Déjà vu

To the Editor:

This begins with the words from that famous American Philosopher and Hall of Fame baseball player Yogi Berra, “’Tis déjà vu all over again!” Such is applicable to teacher/BOE negotiations.
At a recent PARCC conference, some of the administrators present decided to spend time on the Academy Programs, money for testing, and renovated cafeterias. The word missing was teacher.
What good is a classroom with new light bulbs, floor tiles, paint job, chrome books, etc. without well-qualified, open, and sincere individuals? If education is the power, the integral power is a teacher.
During the last election, all the candidates espoused the teachers’ cause. Some in the community no doubt feel the teachers gained enough money from the recent settlement. They obviously forget that the funds were used to pay bills, refinance, etc. after having been without a contract for five years.
If you do believe in children being the foundation for the success of a community, then realize for students to be first, teachers can’t be last.

Guidance Counselor

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