The Hudson School’s Class of 2015 begins attending college

The Hudson School in Hoboken N.J. celebrated the graduation of the 2015 class of twenty-four seniors in the Bissinger Room overlooking the Hudson at Stevens Institute.
Mrs. Newman, Hudson’s founder and director, reminisced about the long and friendly association between Hudson and Stevens, citing a time when The Hudson School spent three weeks in the Bissinger Room conducting classes while repairs were being made to their portion of the Library building on Park Avenue, Hudson’s first home.
She remarked with pride at the long road Hudson School has traveled in a relatively short time. Hudson moved one block to a permanent home in the old Martha Institute Building on the corner of Sixth and Park in 2002 and the high school has grown from five students in its first year (1995), to this year’s graduating class of twenty-four. As the names were read aloud by college counselor Gene Noce, the students rose to receive their diplomas. Guests were impressed by the fine schools these students were planning to attend. (See college acceptances and merit scholarships information below.)
Hudson graduating senior Myles Zhang, the closing speaker, spoke gratefully about his time at THS and the place that Hudson School will always have in his heart. He reminded his classmates that each year when they returned from summer vacation, Mrs. Newman would be at the door of the school to “welcome us home.” His message was simple, yet profound. “No matter what changes occur, in us, or in this school, Hudson will always be our home.”
Myles’ words echoed the feelings of all the graduates as well as those whose long associations with THS have made it a second home to them as well: parents, faculty and friends of the school. This graduating class comprised of talented and hard-working writers, scientists, actors, artists and business-minded individualists, will long be remembered with fondness, and will surely be missed.
Photos by Janet Wright.
This year’s graduating class of 24 students has received over $2,854,000 in merit scholarships. (This does not include financial aid.)


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