Dear Editor:
The Hoboken Quality of Life Coalition takes great pride in sponsoring our candidates’ forums and would like to extend our thanks to the various organizations and people who helped make this year’s City Council and Board of Education candidates’ forums a great success.
Thank you to the candidates, our city’s concerned and interested citizens, our moderator, Bob Bowdon, and our fabulous and hardworking volunteers for your participation. Thank you to Mayor Dawn Zimmer and Director Leo Pelligrini and his team for welcoming us to the Hoboken Multi-Service Center and to Juan Melli for helping us share the forums via channel 78; to the Elk’s and their Brothers for making their beautiful lodge available; and to Father Santora and the parish of Our Lady of Grace and St. Joseph for graciously allowing us to use their auditorium.
It has been a busy election season. We hope you found the forums informative and helpful to your decision making.
If you would like to volunteer or learn more about QLC, our activities and our Committee for a Green Hoboken, please visit us at
Mary Kelly, Interim Coordinator
Melissa Abernathy
Tom Chartier
Ines Garcia Keim
Helen Manogue