Stack weighs in on fare hike

Dear Editor:
I am writing to express my opposition to NJ Transit’s proposed 9 percent fare increases and potential service adjustments. As a Mayor and Senator in Hudson County, I am well aware of the negative impact this will have on my constituents. Hudson County residents are already struggling with a high cost of living. According to U.S. census data, our residents have a much higher percentage of persons living below the poverty level (16.8 percent) compared to the state’s level (10.4 percent). In my position, I see this harsh reality every day. The proposed fare hike would entail residents having to choose between paying more for transportation or providing their families with basic needs. This is an unacceptable situation for our constituents. Furthermore, there are numerous complaints against the service NJ Transit provides. In increasing the fare, NJ Transit is not following its “mission is to provide safe, reliable, convenient and cost-effective transit service” to our constituents.
Before any fare increases can be considered, all these services disruptions and complaints must be addressed. It is my hope that NJ Transit will find an alternate source of revenue that would not negatively impact its public. I encourage them to stay true to your commitment and realign your priorities so that your actions match their mission.

Brian P. Stack State Senator-District 33


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