Elks motorcycle event promoted rider safety

The Bayonne Elks Lodge 434’s motorcycle committee held its 10th annual Blessing of the Bikes on April 18.
Motorcyclists from around the state converged on Broadway between 16th and 17th streets at a party in front of the lodge. Rev. John Fencik of St. Mary’s Orthodox Catholic Church, also Bayonne’s Policemen Benevolent Association chaplain and a lodge member, performed the blessing of bikes and riders.
The event’s goal was to raise awareness about road safety and raise funds for the group’s charitable projects that benefit military veterans, special needs residents, and youth in the community.
Safety was on the mind of committee members. At the start of spring, numerous motorcycle accidents and fatalities commonly occur.
In one display booth, George and Margaret Abrams remembered their late 21-year-old son, John “Jack” Santopietro, killed in a motorcycle accident in spring 2012.
“At the start of the season, people have to get used to seeing motorcycles on the road again,” Margaret Abrams said. — Melissa Heule, Reporter correspondent

Port Authority announces Bridge closures

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has announced closures of the Bayonne Bridge as part of the “Raise the Roadway” Navigational Clearance Project.
The remaining multi-hour closures for this week are: Thursday, April 23 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. until 5 a.m. Friday, April 24; Friday, April 24 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 11:59 p.m. through 8 a.m. Sunday, April 26.
The authority suggests motorists use the Goethals Bridge as an alternate route.
When completed, the Raise the Roadway project will elevate the bridge’s roadway 65 feet to 215 feet, to allow larger vessels to pass underneath it.
Closures are weather dependent.
For email alerts on project closures and other information, subscribe to eAlerts at

Sires issues statement on removing Cuba from terror list

U.S. Representative Albio Sires issued a statement regarding the decision of President Barack Obama’s administration to remove Cuba from a U.S. terror state list.
“This is a dangerous action that I feel the administration has prematurely decided to take,” Sires said. “Before any consideration was given to removing Cuba from the U.S. State Department List of State Sponsored Terrorism, Cuba should return the FBI’s number one terrorist, Joanne Chesimard, alongside the countless U.S. fugitives hiding in Cuba.”
“The Cuban regime claims that it is innocent and takes offense to its designation on the list of state sponsored terrorism,” Sires added. “But the Cuban regime’s actions have been anything but innocent.”
Sires said Cuba has a long history of supporting anti-U.S. intelligence efforts with countries like Russia, North Korea, and Venezuela.
Congressman Sires serves as the ranking member of the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere within the House Committee on Foreign Affairs for the 114th Congress.

Early bird walk on tap for May 3 in Little Ferry

Those looking for a natural and relaxing outing can take advantage of the Early-Birder-Special Walk sponsored by the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority and Bergen County Audubon Society on Sunday, May 3 at 8 a.m.
The free, two-hour nature walk starts at the entrance to Losen Slote Creek Park in Little Ferry. “We’ll get a jump on looking for warblers and other spring arrivals – and pick up any litter we find along the way,” said spokesman Brian Aberback.
Participants must sign a standard liability release for this event that is good for NJSEA/BCAS events throughout the year.
To register online, go to
Check for last-minute weather updates.

Volunteers wanted for Hudson Medical Reserve Corps

If you would like to volunteer during public health emergencies and natural disasters in Hudson County, the Hudson Regional Health Commission Medical Reserve Corps is looking for you.
MRC units are made up of locally based volunteers. They include medical and public health professionals such as physicians, nurses, pharmacists, mental health professionals, dentists, veterinarians, and epidemiologists. Other community members, such as interpreters, chaplains, office workers, and legal advisers fill vital support positions.
Volunteers give a minimal amount of time and have the choice to respond locally only or to be deployed outside the county.
Volunteers participate in various trainings and drills throughout the year, enhancing their preparedness skills, and heightening their ability to respond to many different types of events.
For more information, visit the HRHC website at and click on “Medical Reserve Corps” on the menu bar on the left. Interested individuals can also call Christina Butieb-Bianco, MRC coordinator, at (201) 223-1133, or email

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