Lauding new developments, but who’s addressing seniors’ needs?

To the Editor:

I applaud former Mayor Mark Smith and his Letter to the Editor that was titled “Victory for out-of-town developers” in the April 1 issue. I don’t pretend to understand the intricacies of buying and selling where millions of taxpayer dollars are concerned. But I appreciate the realities of which he speaks and the honesty of his statement that “there’s a victory for out-of-town developers and a loss to the citizens of Bayonne.”
I, too, have concerns that I expressed in a letter to Mayor James Davis. I wrote in response to a February 25 article in the Bayonne Community News about new development in the city.
Certainly, I laud improvements in the city. But I have deep concerns about the quality of life of the seniors here in Bayonne and what is being done for them as they age. I am not as concerned about the building of a “multi-story structure complete with modern amenities to lure young urban professionals to Bayonne” as was stated in the February article.
My concern obviously relates to senior housing and living as major monies seem to be placed into other types of development. Who is caring about the men and women who are still a vital and vibrant part of our community but whose physical abilities may have lessened or their financial situations may have changed?
Thank you, Mayor Smith, for your courage and honesty in questioning. Your writing compelled me to respond.


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