Gary La Pelusa for Third Ward

To the Editor:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of my supporters for your vote. Your vote is what has me in the lead at this moment after the May 13 election. The entire Davis team would like to thank all of you as well. Yes, we are in a runoff slated for June 10 and we need your support now more than ever to put us over the top.
We have seen a lot during this campaign season. I know the people of Bayonne are getting tired of hearing all the mudslinging, etc. What I am proud of during this campaign is that our team can hold our heads high and honestly say we did none of that. There is no need to mudsling when there are so many issues in Bayonne. Bayonne is not going forward; it is spiraling downward. We must take our great city of Bayonne back and start moving Bayonne in the right direction. Bayonne can be great again.
On Tuesday, June 10, we need your support one more time. Please come out and vote for me and the entire Davis team. We need to get Bayonne back on track. I will work hard to give you, the taxpayer, a better quality of life. I will work hard to see to it that our sidewalks and streets are clean. We need to make sure our teachers and secretaries are given a fair contract. We need to make sure we have an open and honest government. Nobody should have to sue the city to get information. We need to promote local businesses. We cannot afford anymore tax increases. The only reason our taxes didn’t increase this year is because it is an election year. Our property taxes have gone up 27 percent over about five years. The sale of the MUA to United Water was a terrible deal and our bills are guaranteed to quadruple. The worst deal in the history of Bayonne is the sale of the former MOTBY to the Port Authority. We get zero dollars in tax money from them. Who is footing the bill for all of these blunders? We, the taxpayers are!
I would like to thank the Honorable Mayor Richard Rutkowski, former At-Large Candidates Lenny Kantor and John Sebik, and former Third Ward Candidate, Washington Flores for all of their support and endorsements.
Please, take a stand. Let’s take back our city and say no to higher taxes! Vote for the entire Davis team. Jimmy Davis, Sharon Ashe-Nadrowski, Juan Perez, Sal Gullace, and Gary La Pelusa, Sr.
Thank you very much for all your support.

Third Ward Candidate

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