Dear Editor:
Do you ever wonder why the number of parking fines or parking boots issued increase with each passing year? Or why millions of dollars are squandered on no-bid contracts while our streets still flood every time it rains? The answers are in City Hall, where Ruben Ramos spent ten years on the council and Dawn Zimmer spent 2 years on the council and then over four years as Hoboken’s mayor. Dawn Zimmer and Ruben Ramos –along with their political allies – have run our government and collectively had over 13 years to fix our parking and flooding. Our city will never change if we keep electing the same old political machine that has disappointed us over and over again.
This is not the city government that any of us deserve and as your mayor I will run the honest and professional government that you have long been waiting for. My running mates and I will use parking revenue to create more parking for residents and to install the three wet weather pumps required to stop Hoboken’s flooding. We will never embarrass you or put special interests ahead of you because we will only answer to you.
On November 5th, please vote for Tim Occhipinti for Mayor 1J and for the entire One Hoboken Team Frank Raia 5K, Peter Biancamano 6k, and Britney Montgomery Cook 7K for City Council. Together we will stop the divisive politics that continue to hurt our community and create One Hoboken that is inclusive of all the people.
Thank you.
Tim Occhipinti
Candidate for Mayor