A businessman runs for council in Hoboken

Dear Editor:
When I moved to Hoboken in 1996 I didn’t know much about the town. Over time, my old friends moved away, but I remained. Hoboken became my home and there was nowhere else I wanted to be. I’ve lived in Hoboken for almost 20 years now. I got married and my amazing wife Audrey and I are raising two native Hobokenites. In 2008, I relocated my business to Hoboken.
As a profession I own a creative agency, and in 2009 I founded hMag with my business partners Kevin Cale, Simon Dabkowski, and the late Sang Lee. Together, we have been able to raise money for or donate to over 40 charities and non-profit organizations in town. When Hurricane Sandy hit, we donated the Rebuild Hoboken website, created all the artwork for Rebuild Gala and created the Keep the Charm campaign with the Chamber of Commerce and we organized the Hoboken Rotary Casino Night for the last two years. It is truly in giving that we receive, and it has been an honor for me to be able to give back so much to the City I love.
Some people think I’m crazy for getting involved with politics in a passionate town like Hoboken, but my experiences in the private sector have fueled my interest in helping bring about positive change on a larger scale. My decision to run for office is progression of my commitment to Hoboken, the best city I’ve ever lived in, and for me, everything home should be. I have chosen to run with Ruben Ramos Jr., Eduardo Gonzalez, and Laura Miani because I believe they share this commitment and have the skills to turn their great ideas into reality.
I am like many of you; a family man, a business man, and I hope, a pretty good friend. I decided to enter the race because I love this city. I love being able to contribute to it being a better place to live and to raise a family, and I believe if you have something to contribute, you are called upon to step up. Let’s all work together to make the world a better place. And let’s start with Hoboken.

Joe Mindak

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