Disappointing 2nd Ward families

Dear Editor:
I am writing in response to Beth Mason’s recent letter discussing the plan to upgrade the Hoboken Housing Authority’s facilities. Although I am sure Ms. Mason has no hidden agenda, it is strange that she has written a letter regarding this matter as most, if not the entire project centers around the 4th Ward and not the 2nd Ward for which Ms. Mason is the city council representative. And although I have no personal opinion about the Vision 20/20 project (particularly as very few facts have been presented thus far to the public), I do question why my city council representative is getting involved? It would be greatly appreciated if Ms. Mason would instead spend her time focusing on issues directly impacting her 2nd Ward constituents, whom she was elected to represent. Councilwoman Mason, how about spending your time pushing for safer street crossings for parents with children? How about focusing on quality of life issues for your constituents and getting involved in creating more open space for families? You have been eerily silent on these issues that really matter for a significant number of 2nd Ward families and that is very disappointing.
Recently, the Hoboken Reporter’s political columnist reported rumors of a recall petition to remove Ms. Mason from office. I would have hoped that these rumors would prompt Ms. Mason to see that she is not properly representing her constituents, but evidently her latest letter indicates otherwise. I can only hope that she will take whatever time she has remaining as the 2nd Ward council person and make it as productive as possible for the people of Hoboken. Clearly, there are many issues affecting a significant number of families that live in the 2nd Ward and I would ask that Ms. Mason start working with the mayor and the city council to make Hoboken a better place to live in and put an end to the counter-productive bickering and lawsuits that have dominated her political career to this point. We need a representative in the 2nd Ward who will respond to constituents and make themselves available to public input which Ms. Mason unfortunately continues to fail at on a daily basis.
I will end with one final reflection on how Ms. Mason has lost touch with her constituents. A few months back, around Valentine’s Day, Ms. Mason was handing out candies to residents near the uptown ferry port. Ms. Mason approached a woman who was standing in front of my wife and offered her a valentine candy. The women responded by saying, “she doesn’t accept candy from strangers”. I think that statement pretty much sums up how we, the 2nd Ward residents, view Ms. Mason as nothing more than a stranger.

Respectfully submitted,
Eric Sandler

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