Being the change in your community

Dear Editor:
Being a volunteer at Divine Konektion Community Corp since its inaugural launch of October 2010 has increased my capacity to give, increased my awareness of the great need in our community for re-education, for job opportunities, for affordable nurturing childcare and for food and non food assistance. Each month, the organization has a monthly community fair to address those issues. Nov. 17 and Dec. 15 are the next two.
As the holidays approach, I would ask my neighbors and friends to remember those less fortunate and drop off both non-perishable food and non-foods (soap, baby wipes, toothpaste, and toothbrushes) to a food pantry or shelter.
We would welcome volunteers to answer and make phone calls, to pack food, to serve hot food, to update paper files etc.
Businesses that are looking to reduce their inventory or have employment opportunities please reach out to us.
Be the change in your community.

Pamela Moore

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