HUDSON REPORTER – We get letters. Lots of letters. But due to our experiences over the years, we instituted a policy more than 10 years ago of not accepting critical letters about local elections the very weekend before the election, since we are a weekly newspaper and candidates don’t have the time to respond or correct accusations. This applies to all attacks, new or old, about local candidates.
If you want to submit a critical letter about local candidates, politicians or slates, please do so this weekend.
NOTE: Letters about “yes” or “no” regarding school budgets and public questions will still be okay the last weekend, but keep in mind that if it takes us too long to fact-check your claims, or if there is any question about the wording or veracity, your letter may be held up.
Thus, if you want to submit a critical letter for the election, the sooner the better.
Please refer to our letters policy, frequently published on the letters page of your local newspaper.
Letters may be submitted to, must be under 500 words, and must include your name, phone number, and address for verification purposes. Please include those on the actual letter. If sending by email, please attach it in word AND paste it in the body of the email.
Following these rules will help your letter slide faster through formatting, fact checking, and verification.
NOTE: We always call ALL letter writers within 1-4 days of receiving your letter, depending on which day of the week we receive it (a letter sent on a Friday will likely not get a call until the following week). If you do not receive a call, that means we didn’t see or receive the letter; please email it again or call the editor at (201) 798-7800. We have printed thousands of letters over the years, many critical, many controversial, but we must have your contact information and receive the letter in order to publish it.