Freeholder Dublin says Fulop being dishonest with community

Dear Editor:
I am writing in response to comments made by Jersey City Councilman Steve Fulop a few weeks back in which he denounced me and four other elected officials who are endorsing Mayor Healy’s candidacy for re-election.
I am proud to say that both as a Freeholder for the County of Hudson and in the capacity of my work for the Jersey City Incinerator Authority, I am a public servant. From an early age, my parents taught me that community involvement – helping the people you live, work, play and pray with – was something to aspire to … something honorable. I know that being a public servant is important to Councilman Fulop, too, as he left his job (so he says) to pursue his quest of becoming a full-time public servant.
Unlike Councilman Fulop, I have spent all of my 43 years as a citizen of Jersey City and Hudson County. I know the people here. My grandfather was a pastor of a church. My Mom and Aunt Katherine were teachers. I have made my life here and am raising my children here.
I worked my way from the ground up through the ranks in my job, cleaning lots, doing roadwork, driving a truck and eventually becoming a supervisor. During the big blizzard a few years back I was proud to get back on that truck, grab a shovel and do all I could to help people get out safely and to be safe.
To me, being a citizen and public servant means being responsive to the people of our community and going that extra mile to help, and finding and implementing solutions to our community’s needs. It means finding help for those who need medical care for their elderly parents, services for a child with special needs, and housing for a family who has fallen on hard times.
Councilman Fulop claims to support transparent government, and yet we know that he was involved in secret meetings with regards to the Jersey City Board of Education. He states he wants to improve crime and the quality of life, but he has never championed the gun-buyback or other initiatives that could directly impact the safety and well-being of our people. He says he is open to all, but his actions have been divisive within the community.
Being a public servant means when you say you’ll make things transparent for the public you’ll do it; not conducting back room negotiations about other children’s education for political gains. When asked by the Hudson Reporter about influence peddling to help an attorney friend – who is allegedly raising money for his 2013 mayoral campaign and who received a Board of Education contract – Councilman Fulop refused to respond. It shows he’s giving the pay-to-play law he supports a black eye. It’s not the first time we’ve caught Councilman Fulop being dishonest with our community and I’m sure it won’t be the last. So when you talk about being a public servant, remember to bring honesty to the public.

Freeholder Jeff Dublin

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