Alonso offers a choice

To the Editor:
On Tuesday, Nov. 8, vote 2B. If the Republican Party can take 13 seats away from the Democratic Party, the governor can finally get things done. This historic election could be the one where the Republicans can take back New Jersey.
Things are heating up in New Jersey this year, especially in Hudson County. Since there is no presidential race or gubernatorial race in 2011, voter turnout is expected to be low in this off year election. Candidate Alonso has been working hard, going door to door, and meeting voters and offering them a choice. Alonso’s message is clear: We need to clean up the ethics in New Jersey. We need to make laws that help everyday citizens. Politicians should have to say where they get their money from and stop hiding it. The real stimulus is creating jobs. One person out of every six is unemployed in Hudson County. But we need better education, so the people who live here can get those jobs. You should only be allowed to get paid for one government job at a time.


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