No ‘Real Housewives of New Jersey’ recap this week, but our recapper shares her memories of working in the World Trade Center

HUDSON COUNTY — The next new episode of ‘Real Housewives of New Jersey’ doesn’t air until Sunday, Sept. 11 (lucky us). It’s supposed to feature Joe Gorga visiting Hoboken. However, our recapper/local comedienne, Eileen Budd of Hoboken, has another essay to share — one that ran in our newspapers back in November of 2001, two months after Budd’s office on the 44th floor of the World Trade Center was destroyed.
You can read Budd’s essay, “Beautiful View,” by clicking here.
Watch for more Sept. 11 memories and updates in this weekend’s Hudson Reporter newspapers, and check out the recap of the next ‘Housewives’ episode next Monday here at

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