Cunningham will fight for you

For the last four years it has been my privilege to serve as Fifth Ward Councilman. I’ve worked hard to improve the lives of our neighbors and successfully fought to put Hoboken on a sound financial footing.
Since winning election four years ago, I’ve led the fight on Council to improve Hoboken’s finances from the bottom up. I rejected the rampant over-spending and abuse of fiscal gimmicks of past administrations. I led the successful effort to end the State control of City finances. I know the only sustainable way to cut taxes is to spend less. I’ve worked to cut spending by demanding efficiency studies and developing public-private partnerships. I’ve authored two Balanced Budgets, and am supporting a third this year, achieving a 10 percent cut in taxes from just 18 months ago while maintaining a responsible cash reserve for extraordinary events. I am honored and humbled to have helped steer Hoboken in the right direction. But there is more work to be done, and our best years lie ahead. That’s why I am running for re-election on May 10th, and asking again for your support.
The Fifth Ward has improved in many ways since 2007, but more needs to be done. Successes include leading the effort to establish the thriving Uptown Farmers Market, creation of the Discount Healthcare Prescription Card and transportation improvements such as the HOP, corner cars, and on-site “customer service days” for Senior Parking Passes, not to mention keeping 916 Garden operational while unwinding years of litigation. As we look to the future, I am committed to increasing our utilization of grants and open-space bonding to provide needed park and recreation space without increased taxes. And I’ll work to ensure we complete redevelopment projects in a way that provides Hoboken with long-promised community benefits, while ending our over dependence on residential housing to support our tax-base. You can be sure that I’ll remain a vigilant watchdog of your tax dollars. We all work too hard for our money to allow it to be mis-handled and mis-spent. I fought against the failed financial policies of the past, and will continue to fight those seeking gimmicks and quick fixes today. We can cut taxes without resorting to one-shots like raiding our last $5 million in reserve, and we will. You have my word on that.
A good Councilman should help our Fifth Ward residents while supporting policies that benefit all of Hoboken. I’ve done that during my first term, and I hope build on what I’ve accomplished. Hoboken is at a crucial point. We must continue forward, working with this Mayor for the good of all Hoboken. We cannot afford to un-do the solid progress we have made. I am proud of my record, and I am proud to serve the residents of the Fifth Ward honestly and effectively.
Please join me in my campaign to ensure that Hoboken stays on the right path. Vote 1C for Leadership You Can Trust on May 10th.

Peter Cunningham
Fifth Ward Councilman

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