Open letter to Tim Occhipinti

Dear Mr. Occhipinti:
Why won’t you sign the clean campaign pledge that Mike Lenz signed? Do you have an objection to a specific item in the pledge (if so, which item?), or do you object to the general premise of a clean campaign? Given the cast of Peter Cammarano/old-style Hoboken politics holdovers you have assembled, I can only assume it’s the latter.
4th Ward voters should be troubled by your comment in the Sept. 26 Hoboken Reporter that the pledge is “campaign silliness” versus a legitimate issue. Given the history of Hoboken elections, buying votes with “street money” IS an issue. So is the practice of “hiring” workers who voted absentee, which is little more than bribing people to cast an absentee ballot (which doesn’t have to be done in secret.) These practices should offend any sensible person, as should your refusal to join Mr. Lenz in formally disavowing them.

Andrew Nelson

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