Kurta appointed to Hoboken hospital board seat

HOBOKEN — Public records watchdog Eric Kurta was appointed to the municipal board that oversees Hoboken’s financially troubled hospital at the City Council meeting Wednesday night.
Kurta is a community activist who specializes in campaign finance reform and disclosure. He has served as the president of People for Open Government.
There were some no votes and abstentions on his appointment.
One “no” vote came from Councilman Michael Russo, who asked Kurta some general questions, including what he did for a living.
Kurta replied that he was a “retired student.” He explained that he can live comfortably in Hoboken because he bought a multifamily house here years ago and can earn income from it.
Russo asked Kurta if he had made any political campaign contributions.
Kurta said he had donated $1,000 to the campaign of Mayor Dawn Zimmer.
Some Zimmer critics have complained that many of her appointments and hires have been of campaign supporters or cronies.

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