Hudson County Sheriff’s Office Receives Award

from Palisades Emergency Residence Corporation for work with the homeless of the County Hudson County Sheriff Juan M. Perez and the Sheriff’s Office was the recipient of an award from the PERC Organization for the county wide effort of the department to work with and end homelessness in Hudson County. The Cabrera Family, Albert, Pura, Alex and Andrew and Father Peter Wehrle of Our Lady of Fatima Church of North Bergen also were recipients of awards for their untiring work with those less fortunate. The awards were presented at the Fourth Annual Gala Dinner in October 2009. Above: Enjoying a light moment at the Gala, from Left to Right: Chief of Operations for the Sheriff’s Office John Bartucci, PERC Administrator Tom Harrigan, County Director of Health and Human Services Carol Ann Wilson, Sheriff Juan M. Perez, Sheriff’s Detective Luis Valentin and Sheriff’s Public Information Officer and County Welfare Deputy Director Robert Knapp. Below: Presentation of Award to Sheriff Perez: From left to right: 2009 Dinner Chair and PERC Board President Kymberli Morris, Awardee Sheriff Juan M. Perez and PERC Project Coordinator Joseph Ulicki.


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