Diversity should be encouraged

Dear Editor,
I wish to express that I am not in agreement with deputizing local law enforcement members as immigration agents. Moreover, I offer praise to the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General on its decision to warn local enforcement agencies seeking to deputize officers as immigration agents not to ethnically or racially profile residents. This directive is important in preserving essential rights and privacy.
It will be extremely important for deputized officers to be mindful of applying questions regarding immigration status to a broad base of ethnicities to ensure that no single race is being disproportionately targeted by law enforcement.
Furthermore, the focal point of dialogue between law enforcement and residents should not be about immigration status, as such practice will act as a deterrent from contacting police when the presence of law enforcement is necessary. Trust between officers and the community should be encouraged and it is obvious that targeting a particular community of people regarding immigration status will only prevent and dissolve such critical trust.
As a public official that is fortunate to govern diverse communities and neighborhoods, it has always been my focus to embrace the notion of harmonious existence among different ethnicities and law enforcement. It is my contention that we must both recognize and celebrate the contributions of different cultures and preserve the pursuit of opportunity.
Clearly, Hudson County owes much to the wonderful Hispanic cultures that have made our cities and towns their homes. Such cultural prosperity should be encouraged and welcomed by all sectors of government.

Brian P. Stack
State Senator

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