Commend mayor and State Senator Stack

Dear Editor:
Until the end of the nineteen fifties and the early nineteen sixties the western world as enjoying a peaceful atmosphere. But the revolution of nineteen fifty nine in Cuba changed the world to become unrest. Fidel Castro’s successful revolution was immensely aided by his brother Raul- (who today is the president of Cuba), Camilo Cienfuego and the Dale Ernesto “Che” Guevara. It took only six years for Che Guevara to show the world that his dream of spreading communism in the western world was his biggest concern. Che’s dream came to an end in 1967 when he was killed in Bolivia by the American CIA and the Peruvian government. The fact of the matter is, the World is unaware of Che Guevara’s wrongdoing in Cuba during the revolution and after the revolution and this is the reason why many claim him as a hero. The truth is Che Guevara was brutal and assassinated thousands of innocent Cubans. Society should investigate and have more information on the background of people who they praise.
I would like to publicly comment mayor and State Senator of the 33rd district Brian P. Stack for working vigorously with different Senators and Congressmen in bringing down a statue of Ernesto Che Guevara that was placed in mid-town Manhattan.

Oscar Cordero

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