Why abstain on important vote?

Dear Editor:
While Hoboken is no stranger to having its share of ineptitude among our municipal leaders, the recent budgetary events have pushed this issue to the foreground with our upcoming May election. That said, I cannot believe the level of finger-pointed and failure of taking responsibility that we continue to see among many of our current elected officials.
Perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised since this appears to be the norm among our national leaders but to hear this from mayoral candidates saddens me on what chance we have at filling the current leadership void at City Hall. This is particularly apparent in Dawn “Change that Works” Zimmer’s recent abstention on the budget vote. How does abstaining on perhaps the year’s most important vote represent “change that works”? I understand that the City’s budget situation is a complex, messy issue but to blame the state auditor and not take a side is not an option. What’s next, the dog ate her homework?

Hank Forrest

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