Faith, hope and charity

To the Editor:
I write this as a Catholic who knows whatever your faith, we are all children of a God whose love for all is unconditional.
Our pastors and priests are the foundation, the backbone of our Catholic churches. They nourish and fortify us so that we have the spirit and strength to assist them in spreading “the good news,” the word of God. They always remind us that it is the Lord who inspires them to inspire us to believe and hope in all that is promised when the time for our pilgrimage in this world has been completed. To appreciate and enjoy our lives, our time on this earth, because life is truly a precious gift.
In the Catholic advocate newspaper, I recently read “the best gift you could ever give a child is the ability to know and love God.” This is the family jewel, a treasure passed through each generation. The family that prays together stays together. Whoever coined that phrase said so much in seven words. Unfortunately at times, some of us falter, especially when we experience the loss of a loved one or some other tragedy befalls us. We must call on our faith, hope and charity and count our blessings, both past as well as present.


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