SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY – Fr. James Manos and Venture Crew 25 kick off Super Bowl Sunday with a Souper Bowl Collection at St. Vincent De Paul R. C. Church before each Mass on Saturday, Jan. 31, and Sunday, Feb. 1. Parishioners are asked to bring a canned or nonperishable food item to Mass to help replenish the food pantry. Those not attending St. Vincent’s can bring a food item to their parish or temple to help their food pantry. Venture Crew 25, a co-ed teenage scouting program, invites high school students and soon to be high school freshmen to meetings, held on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. at St. Vincent’s School (47th Street entrance). For more information, visit or contact Fred Creswick at (201) 858-2595.

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