2009 is time to improve Hoboken’s fiscal situation

Dear Editor,
For many of our neighbors in Hoboken these are undoubtedly tumultuous times. The national economy is in turmoil, and our City has been hard hit by years of fiscal mismanagement by the current administration. The financial upheaval at the national and local levels has left many of our residents in deep distress. People are losing their jobs, retirement funds have been depleted, kids’ dreams of college are being deferred because of spiraling costs and many of our citizens are frightened about losing their homes because of the negligence that has occurred at City Hall.
As a member of the City Council, I have made it my mission to root out the lack of oversight that has cast a shadow over this administration. This task has not been easy, but with the help of many of my council colleagues, we have been able to put aside partisan rhetoric and unveil the truth to the taxpayers of this community. It is truth that is painful to many of our neighbors. But it is my firm belief that without the truth, Hoboken could not right its ship and move forward to truly be the community that our residents love to call home.
There is no doubt that 2009 will be an extraordinary year for our nation and the City of Hoboken. However, through these difficult times I remain guardedly optimistic. The election of Barack Obama as President of the United States has given voice to many
of our fellow Americans that “change” is coming. Hope for a brighter future is still possible if we marshal together as one people as we have in the past, to overcome the financial tsunami that has swept across the United States.
Here in Hoboken we must all also call on that spirit of resolute determination to help bring our City back from the brink of fiscal mismanagement. I know that the State appointed Fiscal Monitor Judy Tripodi is working to bring financial stability to Hoboken. And I applaud her for her efforts. But in no way can Ms. Tripodi create miracles for this community on her own, and to that end I will continue to work tirelessly each and every day in every manner possible to help restore our City’s reputation.
Happy New Year to all the people of Hoboken.

Councilman Michael Russo

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