A rule on stickers cleared up

Dear Editor:

The Road Warrior in the Bergen Record is constantly trying to get the annoying government off the backs of us autoists; for which, many thanks!

He quotes a driver who was at first rejected by the Paramus inspection because of a “Safety” violation. Huh?

Tim Trier, the rejectee, said, “You know that little plastic sticker on your windshield that the mechanic puts there to remind you of your next oil change.” Well, “they rejected me for that.” Apparently he came afoul of New Jersey Administrative Code 13:20-32.8(b). That state code says in part. “Signs, posters, stickers and other non-transparent material shall not be placed on the windshield or front windows of any motor vehicle.” And that was that!

One would have to ask whether EZ Pass transponders which are mounted on the windshield also violate this law. Eh?

Frank X. Landrigan


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