Hunted by the gov’t Guttenberg man runs for Senate, prez

A Guttenberg resident who claims he heard about the Sept. 11 World Trade Center attacks beforehand, recently filed to run for the U.S. Senate in New Jersey and in New Jersey for president of the United States.

Jeff Boss, who has lived in the Galaxy Towers “on and off” for 25 years, said that six months before the Sept. 11 attacks, he visited a relative in Washington, whom he said worked for the federal government.

He said she told him about an operation in which the government was helping the man responsible for the World Trade Center ’93 bombing make phone calls to Osama bin Laden and another terrorist, both of whom later became involved in the Sept. 11 attacks.

Boss said that the relative told him that the men talked about flying planes into buildings.

“I didn’t realize what I heard,” said Boss. “I didn’t hear the dates. I didn’t hear the names of the buildings or the flight numbers, but I heard the names of people that turned up [with the 9/11 attacks].”

Some would find Boss’s stories hard to believe. Boss agrees, but says they’re true.

The story goes even deeper. Boss said the that same government agency has been watching him.

He said that he hasn’t seen the relative since March of 2001, and that the government has kept tabs on him because of the knowledge he possesses.

“People have told me, who are friends of my [relative], that they’re after me, but since I started running for office, they’ve stopped bothering me,” said Boss.

He said that when he felt the government was “bothering” him initially, he went to Mexico because he wanted out of this country. Boss said he has lived in Antigua as well.

He also said that bombs have been planted near his car, and people have tried to poison him.

Unusual jobs

While some might find it hard to believe such talk, Boss speaks of legitimate experience in the world of finance. He said he worked for Morgan Stanley in the 1990s and dealt with secret corporate mergers, as well as companies that wished to become public entities.

He said he helped bring American OnLine and Lucent Technologies public.

After these instances, Boss said that he left Wall Street and started his own cryogenic company called Immortal Corp.

The company freezes dogs (and someday perhaps in the future, people) in the hopes of bringing them back to life someday, and as an alternative to cremation and burial, he said.

He said he garners clients by word of mouth in his office at the Galaxy Mall.

In 2001, Boss was working for a different financial company in Manhattan. Boss said that he was ordered by his supervisors on Sept. 10, 2001 to not be late at their new offices at the World Trade Center the following day.

But Boss said he was late the next day. “Since then I’ve had a lot of close calls,” said Boss.

Green platform

Boss believes that in the U.S. Senate, he would be able to begin to get rid of the Patriot Act, which allows the government to look at citizens’ personal information to make sure they are not involved in terrorism.

He also wants to work to get the country off of foreign oil, and institute interest-free loans for people wishing to install solar panels and windmills.

He said that the $1.3 trillion that have been spent on the Iraq War could be put towards 10,000 solar panels and windmills on every house in the United States.

He also said that New Jersey should be bringing American jobs and parts back into the United States by producing electric cars, which he said would be a reverse of what is presently occurring with the state’s refineries.

“I’m having a great response,” said Boss on his campaign work in Trenton, Newark, Hoboken, and western portions of New Jersey. There are large white signs in Hoboken promoting him.

Boss continued,” People know our economy is down the tubes. People know in their hearts that our government had something to do with the 9/11 attacks.”

Boss said that 90 percent of the people he meet have pledged their votes for him.

Boss said he looking for campaign donations now and that he did not seek any previously.

Boss admitted he knows that he cannot win the presidency.

“If I’m getting the message out there, I’m winning,” said Boss.

In November, Boss’s Senate opponents include Democratic Sen. Frank Lautenberg and Republican Rep. Dick Zimmer. For president, he will face Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain.

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