To the Editor:
Recently a NJ Senate committee voted unanimously in favor of a bill that would allow adult adoptees access to their original birth records. NJ Right of Life opposes the bill even though there is no evidence allowing adoptees to have their birth records increases abortion rates.
Usually women decide to have an abortion because they are not ready to parent, have competing responsibilities, cannot afford a baby, do not want to be a single parent, and/or do not feel mature enough.
There are no perfect choices. Raising a child alone is difficult; expensive and life changing. Adoption and abortion both leave the birth mother with feelings of loss, regret, guilt and emptiness.
Placing a child for adoption has additional consequences. Another person is now in the picture-one who may have strong needs to know the truth about their genetic and family history. The lack of medical information can be life threatening. Adult adoptees also experience a sense of loss and emptiness regarding their birth family.
Human life is not just about breathing and biology. It is also about how you live. For many adult adoptees, knowing the truth of their origins is crucial. If NJ Right to Life wants to reduce abortion rates, it should use its resources on teen pregnancy, contraception and poverty rather than opposing adult adoptees.