Dear Editor:
I was absolutely amazed to read in your Sunday, February 17 paper, that public funds were used to transport senior citizens to a Hillary Clinton rally in North Bergen. I am a senior, and it certainly would have been welcome to have Secaucus public transportation to the Barack Obama rally I attended on February 4. However, I never dreamed of calling the mayor’s office requesting assistance. Public tax dollars should not be used to fund a partisan political event under any circumstances.
I can’t say I was too surprised to read of that expenditure by the Mayor. Leading up to Super Tuesday, much of the coverage of the Democratic contest was decidedly slanted towards Senator Clinton. Mention was made of the endorsements of Senator Menendez, Governor Corzine, Mayor Elwell and others. Yet no mention was made (at least that I saw) of the endorsement of Senator Obama by our Congressman Steve Rothman!
I hope that there will be a reversal of this payment from public funds. I’m confident that funds could be found from the Hudson County Democratic machine. Again, public tax dollars should not be used to fund a partisan political event.
Ellen Lewis