Tremitiedi’s response to Stevens’ students

Dear Editor:

My life’s experience of serving and helping people has enabled me to understand the needs of individuals and groups. Whether you are young or old, affluent or not, long or short term residents, I have a realistic view of what can be accomplished and how to move purposely toward group and community goals.

While serving as a Deputy Fire Chief, my assignment was to provide a solution to the high rate of fire deaths in the City of Hoboken. Research indicated that the lack of early warning was a main causative factor. Accordingly, I led a team of electrical and building code officials in writing the City’s first smoke detector ordinance. This became the model for action by the State of New Jersey, which produced the current state law on smoke detection systems. These regulations have saved thousands of lives over the years.

Parking is one of the main issues facing all residents. Regarding the campus, I believe that the inability to have the Babbio parking facility operational is the issue to be solved. The main players in solving this problem are the Zoning Board of Adjustment, Planning Board and the Construction Official of the City of Hoboken. Working closely with Stevens’ officials, I will use my leadership experience combined with my credentials as a licensed Construction Official and former member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, Weehawken, N.J. to have this project completed as soon as possible.

The foregoing is a specific snapshot of my ability to serve as your councilperson. Thank you for your consideration.

Richard Tremitiedi
2nd Ward Council Candidate


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