The choice is clear; Peter Cunningham for 5th Ward Councilman

Dear Editor:

The Fifth Ward in Hoboken has one and only one reform candidate for City Council. His name is Peter Cunningham. Peter is a financial professional with the know how to stop the bleeding of our tax dollars into patronage and the sell off of municipal assets to cover budget deficits.

He is an independent candidate who knows how to stand up to the developers who have been bullying Hoboken for decades. He can negotiate contracts that favor us rather than them. Peter’s record is unblemished. He stands today, as he always has, for quality of life in Hoboken. He stands for parks, ball fields and good schools. He stands for realistic plans to deal with parking and traffic.

The choice is clear. Voters who care about reform and quality of life need to vote for Peter Cunningham on May 8.

Richard Kamber


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