Join me in voting for Peter Cunningham for 5th Ward City Council

Dear Editor:

I am supporting Peter Cunningham for the Hoboken’s 5th Ward City Council seat. I have known Peter since I moved to Hoboken nearly six years ago and recognized immediately his sense of civic commitment and enthusiasm for Hoboken and its quality of life.

He stood up with our neighborhood when we fought “developer” eminent domain on our Grand St. block, and he supported many of us who campaigned for strong anti pay-to-play laws in Hoboken, which are now the law. I know he will make sure they are enforced.

I have enjoyed going door-to-door with Peter and hearing him discuss the issues with voters. He truly enjoys meeting, listening to, and sharing his ideas with 5th Ward residents. I know he will continue this style as our representative on City Council.

And certainly not least, Peter’s strong financial know-how is sorely needed in Hoboken. We truly cannot afford a City Council that continues to ignore fiscal responsibility. Peter will address these issues, and I look forward to working with him. Please join me and vote for Peter Cunningham for 5th Ward City Council on May 8.

Ann Graham


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