4th Ward will change for better with Zimmer and some others

Dear Editor:

I moved into Hoboken’s Fourth ward in 1991, 16 years ago, back then it was a very different place. Empty lots, junkyards and auto body shops dotted the landscape.

But it was also a wonderful place, with great diversity, common people, friendly neighbors and children playing on the sidewalk.

Today, Hoboken’s 4th ward has lost much of its soul. No more Latin lounges or coffee shops. Then, I could walk across the street to buy a newspaper. Now I have to walk several blocks. Stores and shops replaced by ground floor dormitories. But I still love it here. Over the years I and a small group that called ourselves “The Guardians of the Fourth Ward” worked to clean up the entrance the city and planted flowers and trees. We welcomed almost every new building that was approved. We also welcomed change.

The Fourth Ward now is vibrant, newly populated, but different, excessive high-rises, street level garages and curb cuts took over and continue uncontrolled.

I believe this overdevelopment led to today’s problems – flooding, lack of recreational fields and a few crumbs like half court B-Ball.

It’s time for a change. Dawn Zimmer is a fighter, a mom and a wife. She’s a family person who cares about the place her kids and yours call home. She’s not out for a county jobs, or higher office. She want to stop floods, clean up the Hoboken Housing Authority Conditions, give all kids a place to play and build affordable housing.

But Dawn can’t do it alone on the Council, That’s why I encourage you to elect an entirely new Council that seeks open government, fair treatment for city employees and more parks and fewer cookie-cutter condos and an end to business as usual.

Ron Rosenberg in the 1st Ward, Beth Mason in the 2nd, Frank Raia in the 3rd, Dawn Zimmer in the 4th, Peter Cunningham in the 5th and Bill Noonan in the 6th are committed to reform, opening up city hall and working for the citizens not the County bosses.

If they fail we – and I believe they won’t – can vote them out in four years. We know they can do better.

Tony Soares
4th Ward, Hoboken


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