The good and bad news

Dear Editor:

I compliment the Hoboken Family Alliance for hosting the Board of Education Forum. The Forum provided the candidates an opportunity to express their views and, more importantly, respond to the questions of our concerned citizens. This exchange of ideas is crucial for the thoughtful development of our neighborhood.

I was unable, however, to attend the entire Forum because, like many this past weekend, I had to battle the flooding conditions at my home. As I trudged through two feet of sewer water to make it home, it was clear that our neighborhood must improve its infrastructure. Although I recognize that the severity of the storm is a rare occurrence, the flooding in our City is not.

Certainly, our City services were very responsive, but this response is not the solution. Although the City referenced a $45 Million Infrastructure Redevelopment Plan, details have not followed. We must demand concrete answers and, consistent with the goals of the Board of Education Forum, we must establish avenues of information in order to ensure that we are educated on the issues presented and proposed solutions.

As a council candidate in the Sixth Ward, I understand that our government is for the people, and thus it must answer to the people. I will answer.

Hoboken: It’s Our Neighborhood.

Very truly yours,
Thomas J. Foley


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