Here’s why Vega is a hypocrite

Dear Editor:

This letter is to comment on the Hudson Reporter’s article “Let the campaign begin” on April 8, 2007, written by Jessica Rosero. Beware voters in the 33rd district of HCDO Senatorial candidate and present Assemblymen and West New York Mayor Sal Vega. “Honesty and integrity. That is what my candidacy is all about”, said Vega. “My opponent is corrupt. This is the time to stand up to what is best for Hudson County.” What hypocrisy and cynicism?

Earlier this year Vega was present in applauding when Assemblymen and Union City Mayor Brain P. Stack announced his candidacy for the 33rd state senate seat. Furthermore, as Brian’s runningmate, he proudly addressed the crowd by saying that “Brian was the most qualified candidate for the job and that he had learned more about being Mayor from Brian than from anyone else”. Why then this sudden turn around?

Well, when you look at Sal Vega’s past this behavior should not surprise anyone. Throughout his political career everytime the going got tough he maneuvered himself as a political snake to save himself. The late former West New York Mayor Anthony DeFino who nourished him into politics could attest to this fact if he was alive today. Back in 1995 when the writing was on the wall that the DeFino administration days were over, Commissioner Vega abandoned the sinking ship to join the Albio Sires Team.

Thus, Sal Vega’s betrayal of Congressman Albio Sires and Mayor Stack along with his joining of Hudson County’s vicious circle, the HCDO, should not surprise anyone. Unfortunately, this time he has gone to a lower level. He and the unscrupulous political bosses are not debating the important issues facing Hudson County but are instead spreading venomous lies against Brian P. Stack.

In closing, I remind the voters that Sal Vega will say anything and do anything in order to enhance his political career and remain in power. As an actor in this election he may portray himself as David taking on Goliath but in reality he’s always won the Oscar, Golden Globe and Tony for playing Brutus and Judas. Let’s send Vega and his political cronies a clear message on June 5, 2007 by electing a true public servant, Brian P. Stack and his entire democratic reform team. God Bless America.

Celin J. Valdivia


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