Dear Editor:
During this past summer, Tom Jennemann wrote a wonderful article about hob’art, a cooperative gallery based in Hoboken, looking for a home. Although we still do not have a traditional gallery venue, we now have the opportunity to exhibit our art work and host our meetings at the Independence Community Bank, 86 River Street, Hoboken.
We wish to publicly thank Ben Dineen, Bank Vice President, and Tom Sheerin, Branch Manager, for offering us a place to call our own and for hosting a warm and welcoming reception on Friday evening, December 9th, in honor of our first exhibition at the Bank. The show has been extended until January 28th and is open to the public during regular bank business hours.
This show is an exhibition of art work by the Steering Committee members of hob’art. Most of these artists are founders of hob’art and have worked hard and diligently to promote and exhibit the art of hob’art members for the entire 3½ years of its existence.
Roslyn Rose