Letters Station Agent

Send short, interesting missives to: current@hudsonreporter.com. Or write: Current, 1400 Washington St., P.O. Box 3069, Hoboken, NJ 07030 – attn: Current editor Eugene Mulero.I thought I was the only person who saw the Station Agent until I saw the Current at a bar in town. I heard the actress (Patricia Clarkson) in the movie was nominated for an Oscar in a different thing. The movie was excellent because it made me think about being lonely, and how I want to be around my friends and family. – Andre B., Hoboken

Clarkson is nominated for Best Supporting Actress, and the Station Agent is still shown at limited engagements in New York City and L.A.

Win concert tickets

Last week’s winner, Phil Dolffin, correctly answered “Fred Durst” to last week’s question, “Who is dumber: Kid Rock or Fred Durst.” Dolffin won a pair of tickets to see The Mosquitos, Stewkey’s Nazz and The Color Bars at Maxwell’s in Hoboken on Feb. 13, and a pair of VIP cards for the Whiskey Bar in Hoboken.

For your chance to win tickets to see Delicious on Feb. 29 at Uncle Joe’s in Jersey City, correctly answer the following question:

***Why did the chicken cross the road?***

Email your answer to current@hudsonreporter.com attn: Concert tickets.

Send essays

Send an essay or a short story to get published in our paper. We’ll feature it on the Back Page of the Current. We accept personal or humorous essays, 500-700 words. Send them to current@hudsonreporter.com or fax them at (201) 798-0018.


The following are clarifications on information written in the story on Barbara J. Simon in the Current issue dated Jan. 22- 28. When her parents fell ill, Simon didn’t make “daily round trips for three years straight from Hoboken to Cherry Hill,” but “traveled regularly for three years straight from Hoboken to Cherry Hill.” Simon’s former college roommate Laurie Craig, who wrote and directed the comedy Hidden Desires in which Simon starred, isn’t the “director” of the movie Paulie, but she is the “screenwriter.” The “Gallatin School” is not a division of the Tisch School; it’s a part of New York University instead. Simon’s voice teacher, Joshua Greene is not only the “director of Cantalyrica Women’s Chorus in NJ,” but he is also “the former Music Director for the New York Opera National Co.” Simon didn’t write her book, “Singing: Body & Soul” in the course of “four years, “but wrote the book in “three years.” Simon’s website isn’t “www.BJSimonSinging.com,” but it’s either “www.BJSimon.com” or “www.BJSimonSingingStudio.com.”

Eugene’s corner

It keeps snowing and raining and it’s cold and slushy and I get blue thinking about six more weeks of winter. The folkloric groundhog predicted a long winter this week, and that means more windshield fluid for the car and more excuses to stay indoors and eat food. I can’t wait for summer. I want to spend weekends at the beach and weeknights at city rooftops enjoying dirty martinis with the cool kids. In 2003 we had the fourth wettest year in state history, and I really don’t want to see a repeat in 2004. I keep remembering the Simpson’s episode where Bart wishes for a snow day so he could have one more day to do his homework. I guess a lot of kids are praying for snow days. In any case, I’m going to tackle the next snowman I see.


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