Thank you Mayor Roberts for always being there for us

Dear Editor:

I am returning to work after a short illness, but before I do, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people, especially the senior citizens, who are all my family, for their prayers and good wishes. Please keep praying for me, I still need them.

I must single out one person specifically, not for just myself but my entire family of senior citizens. A man who supports our programs and makes sure we get the funding needed to keep such programs to help our senior citizen population.

I’m not sure many are aware of what Mayor Roberts has done. He has kept all of our programs intact, such as our visiting homemaker service, medical transportation, social workers, case managers, as well as our nutrition program, plus all the recreation programs, trips, Senior Citizen Month, and as an added bonus, our annual holiday party. The Mayor also, along with the cooperation of local merchants, arranged for needy seniors to get a hot turkey dinner on Thanksgiving.

For all this we salute you Mayor Roberts and adopt you as one of our own family members.

God Bless You.

Vincent J. Barbo
Division Head, Senior Citizens Programs


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