Thank you

Dear Editor:

The Hoboken American Legion would like to thank everyone that donated to our World War II monument fund the day of the Hoboken Art & Music Festival.

Special thanks goes to Hoboken Cultural Affairs Director Geri Fallo, Michele Addeo for donating the Red, White and Blue Tent (for our booth), Councilman Vincent Addeo, Tom Kennedy Jr., and Barbara DaBinett, three non-veterans for spending their entire day manning our booth and to all the veterans that donated their time to our fund raising effort that day.

Many of those passing by were amazed there was no monument for the 146 men from Hoboken that gave their lives during WWII, so we can enjoy the many freedoms we share today. Hopefully, this time next year we’ll have that monument, and again thanks on behalf of all our members.

Thomas Kennedy
Hoboken American Legion Post 107


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