Dear Editor:
Almost three years ago, the Jersey City Economic Development Corporation installed a closed circuit television (CCTV) system along various points on Martin Luther King Boulevard in the City’s south district. In 2003 alone, the CCTV system has aided in 61 arrests proving its continued effectiveness and success to prevent crime in commercial areas. After having seen the value of this program, City officials have advocated to bring this program to other Jersey City business districts.
Merchants and local residents have overwhelmingly welcomed the program with the anticipation it will aid Jersey City’s finest in enforcing the law in commercial districts. Due to the constraints of manpower, police presence cannot be equally distributed at all times throughout the City. The Police Department has expressed their need for additional resources to enforce the law. The CCTV system has served as extended ears and eyes of the police, 24 hours a day, in rain or shine.
The State of New Jersey Urban Enterprise Zone has officially approved to fund the expansion of the CCTV program thereby avoiding any cost to Jersey City taxpayers. Once the City Council provides a resolution to accept the state funds for CCTV system, it is estimated to take 2-3 months to have the system completely installed on Central Avenue, the next commercial district to receive CCTV.
However, it has been several months since the UEZ Authority has approved to fund the program, and no further action has been taken.The City Council has yet to have the project presented to them. As it is understood, the paperwork is currently deferred at the Department of Housing Economic Development and Commerce.
The rapid approach of the Holiday Season has amplified the need for the CCTV, and many merchants have begun to question the hestitation in the CCTV paperwork. Safer conditions within the business district this holiday season will promote and improve shopper visitation.
With no visible reason as to why this program should be delayed any further, merchants are looking for relief to this situation before the holidays.
President MichaelYun and the Board of Directors
Central Avenue SID