The color of Christmas

Dear Editor:

As the holiday season begins and the new year approaches, I reflect on the current year and make mental note as to what The Salvation Army has accomplished and what remains to be done.

We, at The Salvation Army, have made many strides this year. We opened new corps community centers to meet the challenging needs of today’s world. We expanded our social service programs to better serve the needs of the community. A new pilot program was also launched through our Emergency Disaster Services unit to aid the flood victims of Bound Brook. This new program was a success and we are very proud to have helped rebuild the homes of more than 20 families devastated by the Tropical Storm Floyd last year.

I also see incredible need, the type of need that never seems to be totally erased. I see people who are homeless with nowhere to turn. I’ve seen seniors, alone and afraid. I see children from broken homes in need of love. I see so many problems yet to be solved. At this time of the year, we become caught up in holiday preparations and festivities. We feel good will and kindness to all. Unfortunately, “need knows no season” and this is why The Salvation Army is there, to meet human needs at the time of need, 365 days a year, not just at Christmas.

My wish this holiday season is to keep the color of Christmas alive throughout the year. You see, the color of Christmas is bright red and green to most people but to the eyes of the needy, it is only shades of gray. We, at The Salvation Army, would like to make this a brighter holiday season for New Jersey families. A brighter Christmas might simply be a hot meal, a warm coat, a small toy or a teddy bear for a child or even a warm bed.

So, please help The Salvation Army this Christmas. Your donations into our red kettles during the holidays help us to brighten people’s lives all year long.

For more information on services or to send a donation, please call 1-877-NJS-ARMY (1-877-657-2769). May the Lord Bless you and your family.

Lt. Colonel Norman E. Wood
New Jersey Division
State Commander


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