An honest viewpoint on the mayor

Dear Editor:

This may be a somewhat unusual letter in that I am not a resident of Hoboken. However, my parents grew up in this city, as I did, and I spend quite a bit of time here. It is enough to say that I have always enjoyed my time in Hoboken.

I have noticed from reading your paper over the years that politics in this city, as in many other municipalities, is very contentious. It is a lot like the private industry in which I have spent my entire adult life and career. This letter does not deal with that aspect. My letter deals with this human aspect.

Despite the differences of opinions concerning political beliefs and actions and issues which are presented both in the political and business arenas, we should not lose sight of the personalities behind the faces we see in the newspaper and the stories and/or opinions we read about these people.

Even though many people may express dislike for the mayor of this city, I think this man deserves positive recognition and praise for the personal strength and dignity with which he is handling his health problems. He also deserves credit for his passion and conviction of his beliefs in doing what he feels is best for the people of this city.

I do not know Mayor Russo. This is not a solicited opinion nor is it a biased political viewpoint. In fact, I am a registered Republican and really have no interest, direct or otherwise, in Hoboken politics. I simply want to state that from what I have seen and heard about Anthony Russo as a person, there is a lot about him which I admire. I am facing the same type of health crisis he has undergone, and I hope I can deal with it with as much optimism and character as he has. I also hope that I will always have as much passion as he does concerning his desire to do the right thing.

I think the city of Hoboken and its citizens should be proud to call Anthony Russo, “Mr. Mayor” despite any disagreements they may have concerning his political views.

Mayor Russo, I wish you the best of health and continued success in your political career.

John J. Bado


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