Enough is enough!

Dear Editor: Enough! How many more years must the animals suffer at the Jersey City SPCA? The alleged beating of a dog with a shovel by an employee is only the latest of ongoing horrors at this so-called “shelter.” Every since 1993 when the horrendous conditions at the SPCA became public (and God only knows how many years before that) this facility has seesawed between minimum compliance and non-compliance with state regulations governing humane “shelters.” Minimum compliance is met only after extreme public pressure. The conditions at the Jersey City SPCA are known statewide. The SPCA is Jersey City’s shame. The vulnerable animals at the SPCA are living, breathing beings who live in fear, pain and misery. There is no slice of heaven for them, only a slice of hell. Jersey City has promised a new shelter. The need for a new plant is essential, but that will take time and time has run out. Immediate emergency measures must be taken. The city must provide space and temporary trailers designed for animals and do it now. The city must find a way. Animals don’t vote, but their advocates do, and there are plenty of us. Nikki S. Sirken


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