Camelot no more?

The shine is coming off the newly-minted Bayonne administration as insiders begin to bicker. While supporters of former Mayor Mark Smith might be rubbing their hands in glee over the political turmoil, in truth, most sources point the finger at some factions that supported James Davis in the last election. At the center of the …

Stack sticks with DeGise

State Sen. and Union City Mayor Brian Stack has flatly refuted suggestions that he might “take back” his endorsement of Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise for reelection if State Sen. Sandra Cunningham leaps into the fray in the Democratic primary next year. “I’m with Tom,” Stack said. “I don’t take back endorsements once I give …

Whose side is he on?

Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto admits that he is padding his wallet as a consultant for South Jersey Democratic warlords while serving as Hudson County Democratic chairman. Nothing wrong with holding a side job, but the fact that he is cavorting with politicos who will soon be supporting a political adversary to Mayor Steven Fulop’s gubernatorial …

Is Garcia’s time up?

The Hoboken Housing Authority is expected to fire Carmelo Garcia as its executive director this Monday. At least, this is what they put on the agenda. It’s the next step, but certainly not the last, in an ongoing political war between Garcia and the administration of Mayor Dawn Zimmer. Garcia has accused the Zimmer administration …

Zimmer’s choice?

If anyone thinks the next police chief of Hoboken won’t be a person very close to Mayor Dawn Zimmer, then I have a bridge to sell them. The Zimmer administration has changed the rules, allowing lieutenants to qualify for police chief for the first time in Hoboken history. This may be because a captain who …

A friend in deed

A woman from one of the three senior citizen buildings in Secaucus called the Hudson Reporter last week to thank “Mayor Mike,” as Mayor Michael Gonnelli is best known, for the great time she had at the Fourth of July event held on the eve of the holiday. Yes, she said, rain forced the town …

War of nerves

The conflict between Hoboken Housing Authority Chairwoman Dana Wefer and Hoboken Housing Authority Executive Director Carmelo Garcia has taken yet another turn. (The HHA is the agency that oversees Hoboken’s federally funded low-income housing projects, a source of votes and contracts. Garcia is the paid head of the agency; Wefer chairs an unpaid board that …

A not so secret message

Freeholder Bill O’Dea, who hopes to run for Hudson County Executive next year, got the message: everybody who is anybody politically in Hudson County politics is lining up behind the reelection bid of the incumbent, Tom DeGise. “When you have Nick Sacco and Brian Stack backing a [different] candidate, it is hard to see how …