Officials promise that city employees won’t be dismissed

Despite memos received by city departments in recent weeks stating that some positions will be eliminated, city officials said there will be no layoffs; rather, only positions that are not presently filled will be cut. Officials said they were only consolidating departments to make the city run more efficiently. Union officials disagreed and challenged the …

Janiszewski shifts key staffers; funding coming for projects

A retirement in the upper ranks of Hudson County Executive Robert Janiszewski’s staff has resulted in a reshuffling of personnel. The staff changes will go into effect as of Feb. 14. William Northgrave, who has severed at chief of staff for two years, will succeed retiring Frank DeLeonardis as county counsel. Filling Northgrave’s spot as …

Left back and ‘disaffected’ students receive a new lease on life with alternative school program

After 27 years of teaching special education at the Christopher Columbus School, Linda Mitchell began to feel that her years of hard work and dedication had taken their toll. She realized that the educational opportunities that were once available to students, like mentoring and counseling programs, are now scarce. The Union City school system recognized …

Mysterious proceedings surround elderly doctor and his misinformed family

A group of concerned citizens gathered at the El Club de Fomento on 38th Street in Union City last Sunday morning and spoke through tears to reporters from both the Spanish and English language media about an elderly relative whom they said was missing. There was only one problem. The police say that the 84-year-old …