1600 terror

Dear Editor: I went into the Manhattan Building Companies informational meeting Monday in a reasonable frame of mind and came out frightened. I live on 2nd and Hudson; I will rarely see this project, so why should I be frightened? I am frightened because I have a resident’s attitude, not a builder’s, despite my decade …

Three arguments against the Manhattan Building Company’s plans

Dear Editor: So we’re seriously discussing whether we will or won’t let the Manhattan Building Company build an 18-story monolith on the edge of town. Allow me to chime in with an argument or two that I haven’t heard from anybody else yet. First of all, we’re talking about bringing into town about 1,000 people …

New development should not cast a shadow over Hoboken’s treasures

Dear Editor: In his December “Pride in Hoboken” column in this paper, Mayor Russo announced that last year, development in Hoboken has resulted in $66 million in new ratables. All of this new construction has seriously degraded this quality of life in Hoboken and greatly increased the costs of running this city. As a result, …

What’s the rush?

Dear Editor: Why do we persist in giving away variances to developers? They are variances for a reason and should only be traded if something truly extraordinary is being offered in return. Let the developers start at the zoned level of stories and density. They can always apply to expand further in future years (as …