Township resident Hal Turner takes on popular congressman

His press releases have targeted unusual topics ranging from the use of Legos in a college admissions test to U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna Shalala’s status as an “ignorant socialist.” His controversial letters-to-the-editor over the past decade have graced The New York Times, the Post, the Daily News, The Star-Ledger, the Bergen …

The Hudson Reporter newspapers garner statewide awards

The Hudson Reporter newspapers won nine awards in a statewide competition for weekly newspapers, the New Jersey Press Association announced last weekend. The contest drew entries from scores of weekly newspapers from around the state. The NJPA’s annual “Better Newspaper” competition includes categories for news writing, feature writing, column writing, and layout. The Reporter newspapers …

Rumored move of electronic commerce giant Webvan now official

What has been rumored for months is now official: Webvan, one of the largest on-line sellers of consumer goods in the nation, has announced plans to move its East Coast shipping headquarters to North Bergen. A multi-million dollar deal with a developer will enable the company, which says it delivers goods within 30 minutes, to …

Democratic Leader Anthony Impreveduto proposes aid for private inspection vendors

Seeking to protect private garages from financial fallout of the emission system meltdown, Assembly Democratic Leader Anthony Impreveduto (D-32nd Dist.) and Assembly Deputy Minority Leader Neil Cohen (D-20th Dist.) have introduced legislation that would reimburse private garages for the costs of purchasing and installing auto inspections equipment mandated under the state’s enhanced emission testing program. …


Chevannes resigns, Embattled Marist basketball coach defends himself in heat of controversy   There’s no way that Chris Chevannes could have ever pictured the 1999-2000 high school basketball season ending with him submitting a letter of resignation at Marist High School. The 33-year-old coach thought he had assembled a team worthy of competing for the …


Chevannes resigns, Embattled Marist basketball coach defends himself in heat of controversy   There’s no way that Chris Chevannes could have ever pictured the 1999-2000 high school basketball season ending with him submitting a letter of resignation at Marist High School. The 33-year-old coach thought he had assembled a team worthy of competing for the …

Prep wrestlers make history, Win first-ever state sectional crown, lose in Parochial

Most wrestling coaches would be depressed and disconsolate after receiving a 49-14 drubbing, but there wasn’t a result in the world that was going to change St. Peter’s Prep head coach Keith Kelly’s disposition last Saturday. Most wrestling coaches would be depressed and disconsolate after receiving a 49-14 drubbing, but there wasn’t a result in …