Former Gov. Jim Florio recruits local councilwoman for campaign

Former Gov. Jim Florio blazed his campaign trail through Jersey City last week, as he has been attempting to make a political comeback. Florio, who is running for the Democratic ticket in next year’s Senate elections against millionaire businessman Jon Corzine, was in town to speak with veterans of foreign wars as part of his …

The Hudson Reporter newspapers garner statewide awards

The Hudson Reporter newspapers won nine awards in a statewide competition for weekly newspapers, the New Jersey Press Association announced last weekend. The contest drew entries from scores of weekly newspapers from around the state. The NJPA’s annual “Better Newspaper” competition includes categories for news writing, feature writing, column writing, and layout. The Reporter newspapers …

Controversy erupts over council members’ assigned seats

When most legislative bodies squabble over chairs, they are usually referring to the chairmanships of prestigious committees, but the latest brouhaha at the City Council refers to the chairs you sit on. The controversy stems from the fact that one particular councilman does not want to sit next to another anymore during meetings. Even though …

For a tech school, Stevens Institute has rich humanities curriculum – and even one English major

Donning backpacks and baseball caps, 20 Stevens Institute of Technology students gathered on a recent icy Thursday afternoon in the Pierce Building on River Street in Hoboken – but not to discuss fluid mechanics or the hot new computer language Java. They were listening to Prof. Edward Foster comb through the finer points of Baudelaire’s …

The Hudson Reporter newspapers garner statewide awards

The Hudson Reporter newspapers won nine awards in a statewide competition for weekly newspapers, the New Jersey Press Association announced last weekend. The contest drew entries from scores of weekly newspapers from around the state. The NJPA’s annual “Better Newspaper” competition includes categories for news writing, feature writing, column writing, and layout. The Reporter newspapers …