The appropriate choice

Dear Editor: In reference to the “School Naming” letter by Mr. Valdivia: His letter had accolades for the U.C. school board. for their “wisdom” of naming the new school on 15th St. for Colin Powell. While I appreciate and agree that Mr. Powell might be a good choice were there not a better, and appropriate …

Sick pay gone wild

Dear Editor: Sen. Brian Stack has sided with Gov. Christie in sponsoring a bill to end all sick-time payouts for public workers. Back before organized labor, workers had to work through various illnesses or even work to their death. This was because unless you showed up for work, you didn’t get paid. And when you …

Killing old trees is a crime against nature, and the community

Dear Editor: I was elated to read “Church Square Park’s trees saved” in The Hoboken Reporter (Aug. 5). The reporter writes, “And no…the [final] plans do not call for cutting down several aged trees that residents near the park feared would be victims of the city’s zeal for improvements.” A consistent and vocal group of …

Thank you Mayor Stack

Dear Editor: I want to thank Union City Mayor Brian Stack, for working tirelessly to put a stop to the injustices currently being committed by the utility companies in our area, particularly North Hudson Sewerage Authority and United Water. For years the Sewerage Authority has been raising their fees without any regard for the toll …

We love the USA too

Dear Editor: After the Wisconsin shooting at Sikh Temple, We, South Asians living in the USA and Canada, must beef-up security at all our Temple and Mosque for protection of our people from further loss of precious lives. American Hindus, Sikh, and Muslims love the United States of America and they feel the USA is …

The right name

Dear Editor: When you enter Union City from its neighboring towns and cities, Mayor Brian P. Stack, welcomes you with a sign that states “Union City proud of our ethnic and diverse culture”. This statement was emulated on July 26, 2012, when the Union City Board of Education named the new school at 15th Street …