Recap of Hoboken Little League action
Here’s a rundown of recent Little League play:

Early lead gives FIRE DEPT victory over ELKS, 12-2 On Saturday April 11, FIRE DEPT jumped out to an early lead on ELKS and captured a 12-2 victory on Saturday at HOBOKEN. With 10 runs in the first three innings, Fire Dept. left no doubt about the eventual outcome. An RBI single by Angel Sanabria …

Here’s a rundown of recent Little League play:

TASTY TIDBITS SDA softball shines
Martucci sets new NJCU hit record; remembering Clara

The St. Dominic Academy softball team is steamrolling along these days, putting up an impressive 12-4 record. “Honestly, I’m not surprised by it,” said second-year head coach Mike Nieves. “We had seven of our nine starters returning. I expected us to be successful.” One of the major reasons why Nieves had high hopes for the …

Martucci sets new NJCU hit record; remembering Clara

Ferris’ Pereira works his way to becoming premier pitcher

A year ago, Elijah Pereira suddenly emerged as one of the best pitchers in Hudson County. As a junior, Pereira took on most of the top teams in the county and was highly successful. But having a year under his belt and establishing a reputation in the process wasn’t good enough for Pereira. He worked …

Ferris’ Pereira works his way to becoming premier pitcher

Renegades football registration begins April 29 – May 15

Registration for Bayonne Renegades Youth Football at Marist High School 1241 Kennedy Blvd. West, Main Entrance on April 29, April 30; May 1, May 13, May 14, and May 15. Required for registration: Participants must be residents of Bayonne; have a completed registration form; copy of birth certificate; two current photos; must be between ages …


BASERUNNING QUESTION: In high school, baseball and softball, runner from second touches third base and in advancing toward home contacts base coach who is in coaching box. Umpire declares runner out and restricts coach to bench. Correct call? ANSWER: There is no rule violation if contact is incidental. If coach physically assisted runner with a …

Despite a mixed-weather start to spring, BYSA hits the ground running

BYSA’s Division 7 kicked off their spring season on April 11 with the following team results. Mark Sports played Dr. Suckow to start, with Caleb McCormick showed off his foot skills while scoring for Mark Sports. Alexia Maza wowed the crowd with a spectacular save. David Kobryn played well for the offense, while Caroline Americk …